
Showing posts from September, 2005

Departing from tradition

Well, hope you noticed the pun in the title. If not, you will, after reading. An announcement came in the company newsletter on Wednesday, that those who wish to come to office in traditional wear can do so, on Friday. It came very late, as if they wanted to make sure no one sees it. Suddenly it reminded me of my father, during my early teens – when I would ask for something and he wouldn’t hear a word of it, and maybe later tell my mom that I can do whatever I please…hehe those times! Then I would mostly choose not to do it, but today, I did. I came wearing a mundu. Wearing seems hardly the term here, as you are always bogged down by the niggling doubt in the back your mind whether you’re inside it or outside it. The feeling of giving out a wide yawn and finding yourself naked(well, almost) below the waist must be quite odd, especially if you’re at office. Also, wearing mundu means the number of pockets at your disposal is suddenly reduced from six to one, six including the special mo...