
I don’t like the proliferation of the hyperlink - culture . Reading something in the web has become such a nightmare because of this. Imagine yourself reading an article on Silicon Valley’s decadence with your breath held hostage somewhere between your nasal cavity and food-pipe, and the hyperlink taking you here! (Click on the " Silicon Valley " at your own risk, especially if you’re in office)

Epilogue: To see the link dance, run your cursor over the paragraph above and look at your statusbar...


Anonymous said…
Too much of time on hand + energy + prankishness.


Unknown said…

1. Feeling..
2. Idea..
3. Urge..
4. Surge!

SNM said…
5. Madness
6. Frustration
7. Fooled by some hyperlink..

...did I miss out anything? :)
Unknown said…
Yup. Missed me! :)
Anonymous said…
punch-drunk by the phantasmagorical display of creativity ;-)
Unknown said…
Can I take you home, Mr/Ms? Address please?
Anonymous said…
Glassy-eyed by the rococo...;-)

Trust me Sir.. just a bit of pilfering... :-)
Unknown said…
Would give the sixth toe on my right foot to know thy name, my esteemed reader! :)

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