The season of longing.

Who gives a shit for primordial urges these days? Man has come a long way from cages, and such things as mating and reproducing are carried out with the same seasonal fervor, only by those dogs in the streets. That reminded me of last Friday, when the naughty little puppy who suddenly began to do the thing to his sweetheart, a white long-legged beauty with a sexy scar on her face, in public and in broad daylight, and in authentic doggie fashion! And not to mention the utter discomfort that caused to the waiting public, and as some kids were staring open-mouthed wondering what in the world is going on, their parents were scampering desperately to catch an auto or a bus and flee from the scene, not even bothering to look at the routes. Didn’t they betray a shade of jealousy for our little canine couple who seemed to care all about nothing but the job at hand, I wondered!

The reason for such a contentious topic now, (I am sure half of my morally obligated readers have left by now) is that our discussions for the past few days have been hovering dangerously close to marriages, love affairs, high school crushes and the like. Hence the thoughts about mating season. I don’t think we’ve lost that gene completely, and it’s gently poking its head out of the hole, waking up from hibernation. Only in these times of such things as onsite deputations, B school admissions, Pay hikes and such occupying the top of our heads, these urges have been reduced to the scale of mere frivolities. And btw, nothing is more lame than a s/w engineer marrying another. Imagine, what could be more romantic than cooking your dinner together discussing the missing factor in RTM which caused another possible Change request to slip so flippantly away. Have you tried discussing the SQA audit over grating carrots? O man, its pure satori. (Pr, If you’re reading this, yes, I was inspired during the visit I paid to your place last day, and please forgive me. No offence…and the halwa was delicious!)

And one such frivolity, about a decade back, suddenly caught my attention last week. I stumbled upon my high school autograph. O don’t get into the impression that we happened to have reserved adjoining seats in the Jan Shatabdi express or something, in fact, I was searching for it and found it. And while lazily flipping through the pages I was nothing short of given “the treatment of the year” to read the jottings in there from my high-school sweet heart. I mean I was instantly elevated to a higher plane. (Dear X, if you are reading this somehow/somewhere, my home phone number is still the same ;-) ).

Those were the days!

More coming soon….


Anonymous said…
And btw, nothing is more lame than a s/w engineer marrying another.

I can't help laughing :D. Though this is quite a bit of a generalization.


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