Not complaining at all...

mp3 was too good to be true. I remember what someone(was it Murphy himself?) said, if everything seems to be coming your way, get out of the wrong lane, stupid! So thus we were, enjoying the bounties of all those wonderful music, without paying a dime, without ever moving out of our cozy comfortable seats, with just a few mouse-clicks! And when all the hyper-reality ended suddenly, here we are, complaining!
Get a grip, dude!

OK, the irrelevant trivia being that suddenly someone thought let's give the music all the respect they deserve, and cleanup the network, and fizzle out all mp3 from the system. Bad! I mean real bad! You cannot imagine the amount of trauma this announcement induced in a majority of the workforce, which depended on the aid of soul-liberating music for everything right from designing frameworks to getting their shit out after lunch. Some passed out, some stopped working, some started working again, and some, including yours truly, protested in vain. But when all the ruckus died out, I began thinking… these guys are right. mp3 is nothing but wolf in a sheep’s clothing. mp3 spoiled everything. mp3 spoiled the very essence of music and love for music.

What’s the fun if you can’t
- go to the music store and spent your entire month’s savings on cds, all the worries evaporating the moment you tuck it inside the tray and listen to it!
- find out that cd you’ve been looking for since you were like 10 years old has finally arrived, but you don’t have enough cash to buy it, so you hide it behind a deep stack of Britney Spears albums, and hush out! Smart! Only to find it is gone next time you visit!
- the agony and pain of deciding upon whether to buy the 1050 Rs 3-cd collection or 199 Rs. discount sales…
- meeting up with a girl who loves rock music in the record-store (this one though, still remains a fantasy. Either it’s a boy with long hair, or a girl who’s with a boy with long hair. The hair need not be long, in this case. It can be short, absent, or… err, am I digressing here?)
- gazing proudly at your neatly arranged record-collection, sipping coffee, while listening to.. duh! too much. Stopping here.

Man, real connoisseurs will tell you that all this crap is about as naïve as you could ever hope to get in the subject. Am talking about laser Discs, vinyl records and such. It’s a world of romantics out there. And mp3, is a real misfit. At the risk of reading the worst simile ever, here you go. It’s a bit like county cricket on a beautiful warm sunny day, and the twenty-twenty in an indoor stadium. Ok, that was a terrible one, but you get the point.

I deleted all my mp3 songs today!


So that's it about all the nice-talk! Those bastards!


SNM said…
Am I drunk? Why am I seeing the same post five times????

There is a great advantage in having a workstation with a DVD-writer in your cubicle. If I ever have to face such a situation, just go out, buy a blank DVD for fifty bucks, burn all my songs, and delete off the songs from the hard-disk, with pleasure! :D
Unknown said…
You're drunk! Probably! ;-)
SNM said…
No way! I haven't touched a drop of alcohol for so many weeks! You are simply jealous! :D
Anonymous said…
Ugghh.. should you not go back to the caves or something?

**knitted eyebrows**

Unknown said…
I mean to be literal this time.

I'd be happy to, provided I am allowed to take the ipod along! :)

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