I coudn't help but compare..

I guess, I just wont have enough of comparing...

Then: It's a sin, sitting a minute more in the office after 6. My fingers find its way immediately to Windows+L, and I spring up. Watch all the ladies hurrying towards the door, grabbing their falling handbags, lunchboxes, shawls, sarees or whatever. I make way for them, wearing a weary smile. 6 o clock is normally the time for the top-rung managers too, the suits (none of them in a suit, actually) looking at their watches and walking swiftly, those leather-finish laptop bags on their shoulders... Whereas the menfolk are waiting impatiently, to let their ties lose and start getting a bit loud now.

I come out, pick up the helmet, and run down the stairs. Am in no hurry, but I just love running down the stairs. I reach the bike-parking lot and try to remember where I parked mine. There are a few guys smoking and chatting with each other, with coffee in one hand. I find her, from among a hundred others, stuffed into every inch of space aviable. I carefully draw her out, and kick her up, and let her loose.

It's a sudden transition from the noisy highway as you take the turn at Chavadimukku. The road is relatively quiet. There are bunch of engg students, totally absorbed in their own world, oblivious to all those eyes staring at them. As I take the turn at the engg college junction, the settings take an even more rural character, with the devotional songs playing from the krishna temple nearby, people returning from the temple after the deeparadhana, sound of chenda and stuff. Eerie stillness everywhere. I reach home, unlock the gate. No one else. I park the bike, sit on it for another 5 minutes, lazily. Then I put the helmet down and walk, with my hands in my pockets, to get that pack of cigarettes.

Now: It's still a sin sitting in the office after 6, if u can afford getting out. My fingers find a way to Windows+L again. But there are very few other people who've contemplated moving from their seats. With a shrug, I walk out. Some people are staring at me. Like I care. I walk down the stairs. The parking lot has fewer bikes. She's wearing a thin sheet of dust, thanks to all the construction taking place nearby. I kick her up. She fires up rather haggardly and catches on. The longer commute to work daily is taking its toll on her as well. And I realize my attention towards her has dwindled a lot I find my way through the maze of crazy evening traffic @ Kochi, survive a few traffic signals as well as life-threatening auto and bus drivers, and reach the highway. which is the slightly enjoyable part of the journey. But the heavy traffic spoils all the fun.

I reach home, pull her up, and sit on top of her for a while. Mom opens the door and demands to know whether I've had tea or not. I reply absent-mindedly. Smile at her or try to crack a joke, either of which must be really unconvincing, as she quietly goes back to her serial at 7. I feel wierd that I dont miss that cigarette anymore. I go straight up to my room, grab a book/turn on the music.

Then I wait...


Kochi is wer im coming in a months time :)
Unknown said…
Make sure you let me know. U can find my mail ID in the masterfinder.
Anonymous said…
Bjoy, i was just gng thru your photographs in shutterfly, and one thing i noticed abt ur photo titled photographer.jpg. The image is inverted horizontally; perhaps it would help to re-upload it after flipping it.

And this post, kidu keeto. Where is the 2nd part? :-)
Just curious to know what u do in the nights at home?

Unknown said…
You'd never guess what I do during the nights.

I sleep!

If u are unsatisfied with the answer, you can mail me. :D
Anonymous said…
kochi is a fun place rt? u cud go out for gym, play baddy etc etc :-)

btw, enda paripadis, ingottu varunno udane, atho poochaye pidikan pokuvano?

Unknown said…
Am just beginning to explore my home town... But exploring the city without good company aint fun, If am alone, I'd prefer the countryside rather..

Plans? What plans?
Me Talking... said…
I miss that, it is going to rain here, and it is just beautiful just before raining, u must have a cigar, must have some of them for your company, silently talking to each other.

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