Of killing the past...

Life's all about moving on. Shedding the scales, and getting a new one. Well, easier said than done. Because, accept it, we all love our pasts. We would be happier if one day, we could just walk back to our house and find it as it was ten years ago, those days when you were spilling over with the excitement of having discovered something called"college". Your room would be adorned with posters of Gabriela Sabatini(remember her?) or a very boyish looking Sachin Tendulkar! You'll once again open and adore the new "action shoes" that you recently bought. You had just heard about Nike and Reebok then. You're discovering the first signs of real conflict with your parents, when you've just hung up after that call from a girl in class. "Oh come on! She's just a friend. You guys just dont understand". Its another matter that you secretly admire her and you, with a couple of close confidante friends are plotting big time to break it out to her one day, soon. You throw the slingbag to the bed and settle in to the tune of "Paint my love" or "Sleeping child". The world seemed just too big and too exciting.

These are just sidetrack thoughts that formed in my mind when I heard a piece of news today. One friend from the old company who chatted with me today said - "Ananthu is being demolished for technopark expansion". I can see a few hearts sinking, a few of those who're reading this....For others - Ananthu is the place we used to have lunch from.

No, that is a huge understatement.

Ananthu is about five or six kilometers from the campus. We have to ride through the byepass in bone-breaking heat to reach that place. There are about ten other restaurants inside the campus and several outside on the way. But, come 12:30PM, we chose to ignore them all, and head to Ananthu. That about sums up what Ananthu meant to us. Its a very small, unassuming shack-like place along the byepass. You're sure to miss it the first time you go looking for it, as we did. There is a name-board of sorts which says "Hotel Ananthu" in Malayalam. But its hardly noticeable. Maybe its that feeling that evokes memories of the food from your grandparents' place still lingering in your toungue, maybe its just the way the place looks and feels, you connect to the food immediately. Its not special. Its not pompous. And the menu is not worth advertising. There is absolutely no interior deco, save a few burnt agarbathis and the icy cool of the thatched roof. But thats just what you love about the place. A few of us had kep the secret closely for a few months like the closed community in the movie - "The beach" until others discovered about that place and began to come flocking in. Then the inevitable happened. It lost the very Ananthu-ness in all the mayhem. P had called it "globalisation" then. We had reluctantly started to look for other places to lunch. But the taste remained in our buds. It does still.

Memories are there, just to taunt us. And the sad thing is, they cant be run down by earth-movers like Ananthu is being done, right now!


mowgz said…
Ananthu.. we all miss it !
came to know from our news correspondents (:-p) that ananthu is reopening soon.. a little more far from the present location... but it will not be the same 'Ananthu' again :-(
Anonymous said…
Touching post

Unknown said…
mowgz : Yeah? And where is this new location gonna be?

~N :Am not gonna talk to u! :)
Anonymous said…
Suits me ..Im gonna keep talking.:P.
Anonymous said…
You know, I read this on the day my grandfather died and it was too overwhelming for me to respond. But I just had to. U struck a chord...
Unknown said…
I am sorry, Sno!

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