monsoon musings - 2

Friday: This was taken in office, on Friday, just after I got into the car, relieved to have pushed one more week aside. This is my office building, all drenched in rain. Looks beautiful doesn't it? If you are being subjective about it...

The rain is arresting today... quiet literally!I remember someone saying something about the rythmic beat of the rain... No its not the normal pace that you're talking about... the rythm of the rain, starting.... getting stronger, then waning out into a drizzle, then heavy showers accompanied by winds.. and then calm for a while... That rythm. I've been meaning to go out and try some shooting this weekend, but somehow, found myself confined to home again..

Another day perhaps... I have a few more weeks before I leave this place.. and the monsoon is just about getting into its groove..


Anonymous said…
Drops - stunning!

Biju Chandroth said…
Dude...that was stunning!! Wow!! It's too good :) The idea is unique!!
Unknown said…
Thanks, Sno and Peecee. I am cursing myself for not getting the shutterspeed right... The pic loks fuzzy! And what could have been!

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