
Showing posts from May, 2005

When it rains...

Silence.... I was almost tempted to use an adjective, but the silence contained nothing. An adjective would be most inappropriate. I try lowering the window gently, and suddenly, the world announces its existence loudly through the chaotic and sweet music of the rain. Water splashes through the top of the glass and lands on my lap, my hand and the steering. I raise the window back to its initial position. Silence again. I glanced around. I cant make out whether the other four persons in the car are asleep or awake. But for this moment, I realize, they don't exist for me. Mist gathers up in the front windsheild. I turn the a/c on, and try to concentrate hard on the road in front. The windscreen-wipers were doing the best they could in a frantic attempt to part the water gushing down to sideways. I can faintly see the dark grey of the tarmac, gently dissolving into the rain. The darkness all around comes out and reveals itself as greenery; occasionally, when a clearing is reached. Th...

A night with the telly

Two posts in one day? Naah, its not the creative juices overflowing. Just plain joblessness. Alternative to sleeping in front of the comp. That makes a pretty lazy picture, and you dont want your PM catching you doing that. Actually, I dont want my PM catching me doing this, either. But I can always alt+tab to the WSAD workbench. Why dont those folks confine to their seats? Is it the body's refusal to accept a mind that's becoming increasingly morbid day by day? Could be. Saw "Frida" in Z Studio yesterday. And I am grateful to the moment that prompted me to fake sleep and thus lose a chance of going for the movie - "Daivanaamathil". Frida is as artistically forthright as you can get. And then there was "Amelie" right after that. Seen it, but again, the kind of movie that you dont mind watching again. But I had to make up a bit of sleep for the Milan Vs Liverpool match. That was the only sad part of an otherwise rewarding night. The reds ran riot .I...

Of human bondage...

Another sad parting. The size of our gang used to be quite a topic for discussion among other circles, even after more than a year since joining the company. But ever since, it's been dwindling. There was a certain beauty about it, like the irregularly shaped cobblestones meshing together to perfection in an italian street. No two people were alike, in fact, they were as diverse as a group of people can get. But the fine lines of alignment that they found among themselves, proved to be quite enduring. And that is the reason why, even after getting shattered across all over the country and all over the world, it still beats the same pulse. In accordion. Raesh once said - "How good it would be if all of us were to live in the same apartment building... me at the top, P and family below that, then you, then Anu, then..." I looked at him suspiciously, hoping to find the traces of leftover alcohol intoxication. But I couldn't find any, and it disturbed me. We're going ...

A small step taken

...this is not my planet... Well thats what's written on top of the page. But it's a big fat lie, as the more alert/intelligent reader would have noticed. It is very much, and I love it . Well so much for a very "hip and cool" statement. Not just. I've done my part..You know, I always watch and follow the environment related news with keen interest. Discovery/National geographic is my favourite channel. I don't throw litter around...well if you ask me, If the insistence of not littering becomes too overbearing upon my comfort and poise, I do, occasionally. And, I don't consider cigarette stubs as litter. That was a great paragraph about how passively inactive one can get while being in the cozy comfort zone of being an "aware" person. I did manage to change all that. I became a member of Greenpeace yesterday. Too verbose for such a simple thing? Yes. Very much! To be honest, it makes me mighty proud!!! Now I have a chance to do my part, quite di...

Made in USA

I am actually one week late on this. But when that irresistible urge to post a blog becomes too overwhelming, and you cant come up with a topic, you talk about the movie you went half-heartedly for, a week back. We were out for dinner on Sunday night, and the cool night breeze carried us off to the theatre. In our lunkis and pajamas and all, in all splendour. Suddenly reminded me of college. Before you read any further, I'm going to break the suspense. A good director's effort gone waste by a weak storyline and mediocre performances. Now, The movie opens with a queer kind of song or poem or whatever-you-want-to-call-it. Obviously, the director has tried to convey the poetic overtures of a hardcore Mallu(Maddy) living in the US of A. Las Vegas, to be precise. But the effort, unfortunately ended up somewhat like dipping a McMaharaja double cheese in Thenga chammanthi! Sigh! I was impressed by the songs, more so by the idea of using shots from an old film to depict the childhood o...

The price of development

There used to be a strecth of road on my way to work, which had an enormous(by Trivandrum standards) paddy field on one side. From the Terrace of Bhavani, it looked beautiful, the light green patch among the otherwise darker green canopy. And it was green all year round. I don't know what was peculiar about that particular crop, for I have seen such paddy fields change color with seasons. In the evenings the place would be swarming with small flying insects, which hit our faces like missiles when we rode through the stretch. On friday nights, while returning from the routine carouse sessions, we used to stop by the place, releive ourselves, talk and watch the stars, before getting convinced ourselves that the ground is not moving beneath our feet, and the bed back home would be a much cozier place to spend the night. The whole place is red now. No, paddy fields can't change color. But the land is getting filled. We can see Tipper lorries bearing "Emergency: Technopark work...

Sympathy for the devil

I went through another one of those 10-ways-to-improve-your-habits web-page today. It's amazing how cheap advices can get. As children, you got it from every other grown up whose midriff you had just bumped into, and they performed it with quite an amount of dutiful alacrity too... To hold you in her/his lap and shower you with tips on a wide variety of topics ranging from how to keep your bookshelf clean to stop peeing in your knickers. And If I had known the fact there wont be any distinguishable fall in the rate of advices I get as a grown-up nowadays per week, contrary to my belief, I'd have quit growing up right then. They come in every form and every color every hour. From the good-will-forward-mail I was talking about at the start of this paragraph to stupid video jockeys trying to fake some alien creature incapable of uttering normal human parlance. The best thing about those advices is, they are never timed properly. They never appeal to your senses when they should. I...


I see the blank screen ready for edit! And that's how it is best kept now, blank. For now, my mind is also blank. You could say I am not highly productive during nights, blogically! In my dream, I am the Jedi knight!!!


I suddenly took a liking to INXS. Michael Hutchence has a gorgeous voice. Cant understand why I wasnt hooked till now. Maybe the videos. Its only recently that I saw a few of their videos. A+. Very different videos. Then started listening to the songs, and got addicted. :)


Somebody is really unwell, and that's making my day miserable. It started yesterday evening at 4 o'clock. She was normal and cheerful till then. There were occasional complaints of feeling unwell, but I had largely ignored it, not taking it serisously. And then, when I kicked her, she gave a loud cry. Very unlike her... I cranked her up gently to let her work up the lubricants, and kicked her again. Again that disturbing yell, and she started up, but with a big rattling noise as if something had got trapped inside the cylinder. A broken piston ring? Scratched cylinder walls? A loose crank-nut? Before I could decide, she went dead again. She sounded normal after that and when I throttled her up, the response was as quick as usual. That made me really gloomy yesterday. And it returned today morning. I've to take her to the mechanic. Now I have a huge veil of suspicion on the last service, which was done last Saturday. I'm sure someone has done something, screwed something...

Here I come

So I start a new blog. My second, in fact. Switched coz I liked the looks of this one, and this is more felixible. If that makes anyone curious...Visit the old blog here .