I suddenly took a liking to INXS. Michael Hutchence has a gorgeous voice. Cant understand why I wasnt hooked till now. Maybe the videos. Its only recently that I saw a few of their videos. A+. Very different videos. Then started listening to the songs, and got addicted. :)


Anonymous said…
oh ooo... just not my cup of fav tea... no comments on this one :-)
Unknown said…
Are you a feminist?
Anonymous said…
oh no... just not tat crazy abt music...
Anonymous said…
Offtopic -
sounds from ur previous blog that u r in technopark..interested in frndship..mail me if u r ok with it - vibsmi at gmail dot com
Unknown said…

I thought you were saying Michael Hutchence is not your cup of tea... And the femisnist thing was the only reason I could find... well as of now!
Unknown said…
I'm not interested in a singing career right now! :)

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