A night with the telly

Two posts in one day? Naah, its not the creative juices overflowing. Just plain joblessness. Alternative to sleeping in front of the comp. That makes a pretty lazy picture, and you dont want your PM catching you doing that. Actually, I dont want my PM catching me doing this, either. But I can always alt+tab to the WSAD workbench. Why dont those folks confine to their seats? Is it the body's refusal to accept a mind that's becoming increasingly morbid day by day? Could be.

Saw "Frida" in Z Studio yesterday. And I am grateful to the moment that prompted me to fake sleep and thus lose a chance of going for the movie - "Daivanaamathil". Frida is as artistically forthright as you can get. And then there was "Amelie" right after that. Seen it, but again, the kind of movie that you dont mind watching again. But I had to make up a bit of sleep for the Milan Vs Liverpool match. That was the only sad part of an otherwise rewarding night. The reds ran riot .In fact only for six minutes in the second half, but the Italians were too stunned to recover after those six minutes and got buried themselves in their own stuff.

How unfair!


mowgz said…
not a single comment ?
"How unfair ! " :-D
Unknown said…
...that's the world for you!

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