mon objet du désir

It was, five years ago that I saw her for the first time.

Her pictures adorned the walls of my room. She was just a prototype then, just another head-turner in the inermot show. Seeing her picture, me and my fellow bunch of nut-cases had let out a huge “WWWAAAOOOUUWWW” in unison, and had bellowed with rage, squirmed with irreverence towards our own luck, writhed with ecstasy, and finally given in to the futility of all such intense desires, the nirvana of an un-attainable kind. It’s the Yam MT-01 I am talking about.

Five years since, the sight of its factory version has turned out to be even more perilous to my extremely fatuous mind. I can afford to take a look at the picture only at my own risk, for it leaves me in another fit of depression.

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Anonymous said…
hey I thgt I'd just look at your blog and say Hi to you.:)
Unknown said…
Thanks for dropping by!

I thought I'd never get a comment for this item despite being something I really cared about! :D

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