How blind we become...

The chair was comfortable. Very comfortable. Perhaps this is the only time I’ll be able to appreciate it. I looked at the floor. A few fluorescent lamps glistened on its mopped luster. I registered all the shapes, the angles, and the symmetries and asymmetries of the lounge. I will never see this place like this again. I will become one among the people hurrying past, never having to bother to appreciate the room and its features. I felt like that person in a music video I had seen, standing still while everybody hurried past. The room and myself, still, and conversing to each other, without making a sound.

It is three years since I had done a similar thing. Another place, another office, similar situation. Then I so comfortably slipped into the role of the passer-by. Often trying hard not to notice the people waiting in the chairs. Familiarity makes you take things so much for granted, that you fail to notice them. Only until the moment comes, when you stand to lose them. Then the shapes begin to reappear, what passed off as noise, gradually transforms into resonating, rhythmic music, and the place starts looking fresh again.

Probably that’s the same with our lives, us being able to appreciate it only twice, at the beginning, and then again, at the end!


u changed companies?
Unknown said…
L i T, Indu: Yes, both of you guessed it right. In fact, when I read that post, I felt heck, no one's going to get it! So glad you did. Small change in geographical location, TVM -> Kochi.
Unknown said…
I have included that in my list rightaway when I saw ur post. Sigh, it is so close to my house...
Unknown said…
Indu: Moving early next month..
Tabula_Rasa said…
Came by...
Anonymous said…
hws t new comp...Gotto hear abt t change frm Rv n Raesh..

just ve t ust id..wats t new one..

Unknown said…
Deeps: Am still here. Dont you think I wud've let u know if I change my mail ID? :)
Anonymous said…
:)ok.. Had heard abt u resigning.. was wondering whther u moved
Anonymous said…
Just glancing thru your posts after a really long time ... and reading whichever ones interested me. I found this one the most interesting of all. I loved the last line a lot!!


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