
Here r the pics, from last weekend's trip


Anonymous said…
hey! i really enjoyed your pictures. fantastic. it is kinda like getting a peek into the other person's mind- seeing the world through his eyes and his camera.

have a great 2006!
Unknown said…
stark : Thanks! That was certainly a feel-good comment! :)
Anonymous said…
was going thru ur blog roll...

Poornima...shez an amazing wordsmith..... Have bookmarked her blog...
Unknown said…
Anonymous: Yes, agree totally! Glad that I've been able to do introduce one more reader to.
Sexy snaps buddy...Especially the cloud :)
Anonymous said…
machu, which place was it da? sexy photos :-)

Unknown said…
Cz and Lost in trance : Thanks! The place is Idukki...Vagamon, etc.
Mrs. Dalloway said…
Lol! I ought to pay you for all the publicity!

Loved the pictures... each and every one of them. What camera? Rebel?
SNM said…
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SNM said…
Poornima, you might end up paying a lot of people then :)
Dhanya said…
F*** DAMN GOOD MAN! I loved that cloud one!!! *sigh* Actually it was DAMN GOOD!!!
Unknown said…
Poornima: Pay it forward! :) Yeah, you came close, Rebel XT, in fact.

snm: Yup, thanx for the reco. And that's all you'll get from me... :D

dhanya: Thanks for the comment. The cloud is my favorite, too. You should have seen the real thing then. I'm sure you'd have run out of expletives...
Unknown said…

I saw two of your 'pertinent' questions :D And here are the answers. There's no way you can view "all the new comments" in shutterfly, so pls exceuse me if I have missed any...

1. Yes that's me ma'me. And thank you!
2. You meant Larry Baker didn't you? It was not built by him, but was certainly inspired by!
Unknown said…
Indu: I agree. Would have preferred flickr anyday, had they allowed more bandwidth per month.

And thanx again for the comment. Am so flattered! :)

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