It was really uncharacteristic of me to wake up in the middle of the night. I mean, I dont usually get up in my sleep even to piss. But here I am, having woken up like a shot bang in the middle of deep sleep. Wondering what was it that caused the sudden rush of adrenalin, I try to close my eyes and retrace the fading realms of any dreams I might have seen... or more likely, nightmares. No, there isn't any. I am wet. Err, I mean, I am sweating. I sharpen my ears to listen to the drone of the ceiling fan, which has a habit of melting in your ears once it goes on for a while, pretty much like the tick of the clock. You cant hear it unless you really strain your ears and concentrate. No, I dont hear any. The power must have gone off. And that explains all the sweat. I scrambled up, almost stumbled upon the bean bag, but found my way to the blacony door and opened it. Ah! what a relief. It was so cold and crisp outside. There was no moon but I could see the silhouettes of trees. And the...
After shrugging that off, here's as rational an explanation I could conjure.
ABout Blogspot; lets say I'm done in by the glitter. And about threads...My blogs dont have a huge fan-following for that to matter.
And about the email notification, please get accustomed to the little discomfort (and dont stop posting comments for that reason!!!). We are not allowed to use personal mails anyway in our co.
:) LJ rules, come back.
Do you know how I know when you've made a new post? I visit ur blog and see for myself. Will you return the favour? Please..
If LJ rules, its time for a mutiny.
Hmm let's give blogspot some time. If things turn out well you'll be back yourself. :)