Here I come

So I start a new blog. My second, in fact. Switched coz I liked the looks of this one, and this is more felixible. If that makes anyone curious...Visit the old blog here.


Anonymous said…
Tat was indeed a clever stroke to take others to a drive down your memory lane :)
Anonymous said…
Why did you leave LJ?
Unknown said…
Thought blogspot is more chic. And it's got better customization-enabled features...
Anonymous said…
If this were LJ, I would have known you replied by e-mail. And I could have replied by e-mail too. And what about friends page, and different threads for comments? Come back! :)
Unknown said…
Uh! You almost made me feel conscientious for a moment. :))

After shrugging that off, here's as rational an explanation I could conjure.

ABout Blogspot; lets say I'm done in by the glitter. And about threads...My blogs dont have a huge fan-following for that to matter.

And about the email notification, please get accustomed to the little discomfort (and dont stop posting comments for that reason!!!). We are not allowed to use personal mails anyway in our co.
Anonymous said…
And how am I to know when you've made a new post? huh?

:) LJ rules, come back.

Unknown said…
U dont give up, do you? :)

Do you know how I know when you've made a new post? I visit ur blog and see for myself. Will you return the favour? Please..

If LJ rules, its time for a mutiny.
Anonymous said…
Ha ha.
Hmm let's give blogspot some time. If things turn out well you'll be back yourself. :)

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