There used to be a strecth of road on my way to work, which had an enormous(by Trivandrum standards) paddy field on one side. From the Terrace of Bhavani, it looked beautiful, the light green patch among the otherwise darker green canopy. And it was green all year round. I don't know what was peculiar about that particular crop, for I have seen such paddy fields change color with seasons. In the evenings the place would be swarming with small flying insects, which hit our faces like missiles when we rode through the stretch. On friday nights, while returning from the routine carouse sessions, we used to stop by the place, releive ourselves, talk and watch the stars, before getting convinced ourselves that the ground is not moving beneath our feet, and the bed back home would be a much cozier place to spend the night. The whole place is red now. No, paddy fields can't change color. But the land is getting filled. We can see Tipper lorries bearing "Emergency: Technopark work...
After shrugging that off, here's as rational an explanation I could conjure.
ABout Blogspot; lets say I'm done in by the glitter. And about threads...My blogs dont have a huge fan-following for that to matter.
And about the email notification, please get accustomed to the little discomfort (and dont stop posting comments for that reason!!!). We are not allowed to use personal mails anyway in our co.
:) LJ rules, come back.
Do you know how I know when you've made a new post? I visit ur blog and see for myself. Will you return the favour? Please..
If LJ rules, its time for a mutiny.
Hmm let's give blogspot some time. If things turn out well you'll be back yourself. :)