The price of development

There used to be a strecth of road on my way to work, which had an enormous(by Trivandrum standards) paddy field on one side. From the Terrace of Bhavani, it looked beautiful, the light green patch among the otherwise darker green canopy. And it was green all year round. I don't know what was peculiar about that particular crop, for I have seen such paddy fields change color with seasons.

In the evenings the place would be swarming with small flying insects, which hit our faces
like missiles when we rode through the stretch. On friday nights, while returning from the routine carouse sessions,
we used to stop by the place, releive ourselves, talk and watch the stars,

before getting convinced ourselves that the ground is not moving beneath our feet, and the bed back home would be a much cozier place to spend the night.

The whole place is red now. No, paddy fields can't change color. But the land is getting filled. We can see Tipper lorries bearing "Emergency: Technopark work" posters shuttling across, and in a few days, the whole greenery will vanish. And in a couple of years, another technopark campus will rise. And it will create jobs for a few more thousands. Jobs like I do.


Anonymous said…
Hmm the shades of green..
My favorite is the one that ponds wear. As if brimming with olive oil.

Unknown said…
That reminds me of the cute little brook inside silent valley. The color of the water was a deep deep browny kind of green. Some of our old ambalakkulams are also that color.
Unknown said…
And I have answered your Qn reg the email notification. :) See the side nav-bar in the blog.

Anonymous said…
Now how do I know if you've replied to a comment of mine? Fix it, fix it mister, and then we'll talk!



PS: For a brook to be green it must be pretty stagnant.. Fast flowing ones are generally clear. um?
Unknown said…
But ma'me, you're not a member of blogger!

Psst, even if you were, there is no way to notify. Well, that goes under the classification of a "known bug".

The brook is not stagnant. The secret lies in the huge deposists of decaying wildplants along the banks. They say its medicinal!
Anonymous said…
I have always wanted to go there.
Sigh.. When will I get around to tour Kerala?
Unknown said…
Well, if you ask me, I'd say when you "Want to" :) If you know what I mean...
Anonymous said…
Always want to. But traveling around in Kerala is not all that easy. There are too many things to be wary of, be careful of. Sad isn't it? And there is the question of having company.

Unknown said…
There is only one thing to be
wary of in Kerala, it's people!

If roaming around is what you have in mind, I'm interested.
Anonymous said…
Yes. people. Too many people. :).
Roaming around, and going far with the roaming. Do you know, there are more districts in Kerala that I'vent been to than otherwise.

Unknown said…
Well how far can you go? Its a small state... I've been smitten by the Himalaya pics in antimatter site.

Hmm, interesting statistic. I've been to all but one. And Wayanad is high on my agenda. Same problem, need company.
Anonymous said…
I had meant to go to Wayanad last time I was home. But it did not happen. In fact I'm fascinated by all of north Kerala.

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