L'earn to live!

"Five thousand!!"

"Okay ten thousand!!!"

"Fifteen thousand????" Her eyes widened at the enormity of the figure. I was playing the guessing game with my sister when she asked me about the cost of my camera. Poor girl does not know a thing about the cost of digital cameras. Good for her. I somehow managed to change topic. The first thing everyone wanted to know was the cost. And when I tell them, most of them look like they wished they had never asked.

“What the …”
“Some guts you have…”
“Couldn’t you wait till the prices come down…err, will they come down?” These are just a few of the reactions I have received so far. Another person just stared me in the face for sometime, and walked off, without saying a word.

That set me thinking about the different perspectives we have about money. For ease of comparison, I pitted my latest investment against another most popular investment most of my peers seem to be making nowadays. Land. A cent of land can cost you anywhere between a fifty grant to an eye-popping, lunch-stopping, stomach turning 4-4.5 lakhs, depending on where you’ve decided to mark your bearings. I am only talking about the small city I live, for godssakes.

Suppose you buy 10 cents of land for Rs one lakh a cent. Ten cool butt-burnt lakhs! Okay, it was actually 10.5 cents. What’s the difference? You’re probably never going to use that half cents. So where’s the value of that fifty thousand? Nobody would seem to mind that, while there’s no living soul around me within 50 meters of me I am sure, who can digest the fact that I spent an equal amount for a camera!!! A camera! duh! And I am seated within a teeming melee of knowledge workers, mind you! “You can always sell it off and earn more money “ – some may argue. Okay, so that’s the entire point. You buy something, only to sell it off and earn more money. Then? Then you buy something else and then sell it off again! What a wonderful notion! The circle of life!

The only difference in this case is that, I am not selling off what I bought. And I am enjoying every single second,(err… actually one four thousandth of a second, to take it to the limits) that I am using it.


aks said…
hey dude...digi cam...gr8 investment i shud say..and as far as land goes...u cant click photos with them..rite?
Unknown said…
aks: Why restrict urself? Land, sky, ocean... the possibilities are endless!
jedi said…
well digi cam is a start.. u can work ur way up;)
Me Talking... said…
You buy something, only to sell it off and earn more money. Then? Then you buy something else and then sell it off again! What a wonderful notion! The circle of life!


You can find more stupidities in the circle of life.
Unknown said…
jedi: Well yes. I am working my way up. ;)
P: Can't agree more!
Tabula_Rasa said…
Dropped by....
BTW,ur comment on my blog was rather interesting...u seem a lil' uncliched from the rest of the crowd....
potatopeelings said…
i'd like to own a piece of the sky :)

n wow a digicam!
how many megapix?
Unknown said…
Waves: Thanks for dropping by. Thoughts in its purest form are uncliched, aren't they? If we're successful in getting them out of our heads like that, it is!

potato: Everybody is entitled to his/her piece of the sky, free of cost! :)

Its an SLR. 8.2 MP.
silverine said…
four thousandth of a second

Okay that gives a lot of info about your camera :))And 8.2 MP? WoW I bet it must have cost the sky and a lil bit of the earth too :)

Seriously, a good camera is a good investment. I regard mine as a library wherein I store snippets of precious moments from my life.
Unknown said…
Silverine :You're absoultely right about the sky and earth part. But I enjoyed spending for it...

I liked ur Goa-picture: "Close shave" :D

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