Two days in geektown - II

...12:55 PM, New Hyderabad Road
In my life, I must say I don’t have a previous experience of dealing with angry ewes. Forget it, I’ve had 25 whole years of experience in dealing with a bit closer species, which is - angry female human beings. But still don’t have a clue. I am not going down that road again, which numerous eminent men have before me, and failed miserably. I decided to pursue the safest option, which was backing off. Oh, I didn’t tell you, momma sheep was angry coz I was getting a little too close to her little one, which was dozing off so serenely, pic on the right. Couple of clicks more, bemused herdsmen, and we left!

1:30 PM, Nandi hills
“The view from the cliff is breath-taking… when u can see it” - I was informed by SnM. But today, the view was rather creepy. A sheer drop to nothingness. We had walked past a pond, minutes ago. Unless I was told, I would have been forced to believe that it was one of those never-ending gorges, the kind you have seen only in starwars movies. That was when we had stopped by to photograph some of these!

That was moss on a wall, by the way, and not tea-gardens in Munnar hill-valley. And u can make out the faint lines of the steps of the pond in the background

7:30 PM, Forum Mall
Each and every one of those thousands of faces looked familiar. I could read those faces, I knew those smiles; those hands that were held together. I could hear what they were chatting away in cell phones. I knew their deepest fears, I knew their wildest dreams. As we stood in front of a smiling mannequin wearing a sexy red dress, discussing plans for the night, I thought, this must be the most boring place on the planet. Yet everyone is here. Everyone wanted to be here, or, everyone wanted to be seen here!

Beer, vodka, rum, tequila and more tequila. Was joined by Bandito, and a lot others worth mentioning. That’s how the night ended.

One more day of shopping, visiting friends and dusty roads, and I returned.

(That must be about the driest endings for a write-up that you have ever seen, but that’s it, I guess)


Anonymous said…
u said it....

it indeed was...
Unknown said…
Anonymous: I suddenly lost the mood... My other option was not to post it all.. which may have been a better choice.
Anonymous said…
Boredom, laziness and failure... These bugaboos, magnified by imagination, keep [the workaholic] running

why did i write tat...

I suddenly lost t mood to comment... My other option was not to post it all.. which may have been a better choice. ;-)
Unknown said…
Anonymous: Glad you made the choice . :)
Anonymous said…
u do..;-)

then cmon wat r u waitin for... keep t rococco floatin.. :-)
silverine said…
I thought that was a tea garden!

And Forum is boring. I second that.

I have been butted enough times for picking up those cute lambs by their irate mamas:)

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