My blogroll

Ah, Goawd! Sigh! Here it comes again. For the 26th time in my life. I so want to write a year-end/new year post about summing up and moving on and leaving behind and all such cliches. But the problem is, I am totally at a loss about picking and choosing. And I am not game enough for another harrowing literary ordeal at the wee hours of this wonderful year that had been. So I decided to play it safe and apply some strokes on a few of those amazing blogs that I have been following religiously this year. And I made a rather untidy attempt in trying to figure out what makes me keep going back to them.
I don’t like to expand too much and get lost in the mayhem, so I keep the list small and tight. A rather sad side-effect is that, many a noteworthy blog might have been (un)intentionally avoided.
**Being diplomatic **
This is by no means an exhaustive list. There are many amazing blogs out there which I might have missed .... Okai, uknow the rest.

In alphabetical order -

She keeps it short. As scant as they come. I still am not sure why I follow this one. Maybe I just like it.
Here’s one crazy world for you! I am simply awed by the amount of places this fella has set his foot on. Too bad we don’t have too many continents and islands to discover. Otherwise he’d probably have found a place among the likes of Marco Polo, Columbus, Captain Cook etc.
Ads, Ads, and more ads. Everyday, I get up, brush my teeth, go to the toilet, take bath and visit Arvind’s site.
This is a friend. He writes seldom but it’s always worth a read. Write more, dude!
Another one of those hilarious female writer oddities found among the species.
So many colors here. One day its kickboxing, another its Carnatic music, then trekking, poetry…this is always a happening place.
Lost in Trance
Friend from college. Rediscovered a few months ago. ‘Redisovered’ in every sense of the word.
It’s never been so easy to make a friend. I guess that feeling is shared by several of my blog-mates. Description of the blog is simple. Life.
Nomadic waves
Another girl who writes achingly pretty. She always takes such pains to find the right pictures for the posts and I admire her for just that. Does it so well that sometimes makes me think she does it the other way round. It’s a recent addition, but methinks it’ll stay.
When I feel like its time to exercise those parts of my brain which’ve been left idle for a little too long, I hop over here.
You just have to read it to know it. One of the best prose I have come across in blogdom.
He plays games with the language and it’s such fun to read.
Well, most of you know about this gentleman, what can I say! What happened to this guy BTW? Kidnapped by LeT?
Hilarious to the core. Pictures, conversations, spice, salt, this one has got it all.
I read this and sometimes feel, well, that could have been written by me!


Tabula_Rasa said…
A lady like bow from my side for having appreciated me in ur blog roll.And yes...i spend hours browsing thru pics till i find the right one for my write up.It was nice to be given a second glance by you.... for the pains that i go get the right picture...
Unknown said…
**Bows back**

Well I have to say every bit of that effort shows! :). Not the bowing, the pictures...
Mrs. Dalloway said…
Well, thank you for all that! Am at a loss for words here. 'Thank you', should do the trick alle?
Unknown said…
Poornima :As a meek substitute for a grateful look, yes. :)
Hey there,

Thanks so much for adding me to your blogroll. I really really appreciate it. Sounds like your New Years Eve was pretty happening. I am writing about what happened to mind right now, and I must say, its not a pretty picture...

:-) Cheers
silverine said…
Thank you lazy strokes, this indeed is an honor.

Sidin is my all time fav too!!
Unknown said…
If I tell ya..: You're welcome!!! Pretty or not, as long as you write, its fine!

Silverine :You think it's an honor? Okai this is what I think..."Now I have to somehow get that bloke Sidin too, to comment in my blog. Money, women or whatever!!!"
Unknown said…
You're welcome! Hehe somehow I did like being called B! Bejoy, born on 3rd Feb. :)
Anonymous said…
I too follow some of the blogs mentioned here, sidin for sure is god and then the rest silverine and i'll tell ya.. are also awesome...also follow snm coz he is a close friend.

Anonymous said…
and i think we have exchanged a couple of mails wherein u asked me to try out radiohead....

Unknown said…
Anon: Yeah I have a faint memory... :) Did you listen to Radiohead, btw? I am sure you did.

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